Habib Gholipour-Ranjbar


Ph.D.  in Chemistry

Purdue University, USA, 2017-2022

M.Sc, Chemistry

Tehran University, Iran, 2013-2016

B.Sc, Chemistry

Tabriz University, Iran, 2009-2013

Email: hgholipo@purdue.edu

I got my Ph.D. in Chemistry from Purdue University under the supervision of Professor Julia Laskin. My Ph.D. research was mainly focused on the mass spectrometric analysis of small molecules to get a molecular-level insight into different nanocluster systems. Moreover, I was working on preparative mass spectrometry known as ion soft-landing to prepare a highly pure thin film of stable and labile ions and address ongoing challenges in materials science and nanotechnology. The promise of my research is manipulating materials at the atomic scale that will give a great deal of freedom for materials discovery and innovation. I believe in the power of Chemistry for overcoming environmental and technological challenges and would love to share my knowledge and experience in addressing those challenges. 

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